Mallory Rat
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Mallory Rat


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Over the years Mallory has discovered that no matter how hard you try, occasionally things will go wrong. Sometimes you don't have enough ingredients and other times you don't have enough paws to do everything at once. The rolling pin has gone missing, or you don't know the difference between plain flour and self raising flour... so Mallory has decided to share some of his ideas and tips.

If you have a great tip or idea to share, write to Mallory and tell him about it. If it's a good idea he will publish it here for everyone to read.


Utensil Tips

small paw print icon If the rolling pin is missing, use a tin can, a bottle or a glass jar instead.

small paw print icon If you use a non stick pan, never use a metal spoon or knife in it. It will scratch and damage the non-stick surface. Use wooden or plastic tools that don't scratch.

small paw print icon When you don't have a whisk, you can use a fork. You have to work harder and it will take a little longer, but it will work.

small paw print icon If you can't find a cookie cutter, use a cup or jam jar turned upside down. Rub flour around the rim, then push it down firmly onto your biscuit dough. Lift it up again and you will have a nice round biscuit cut out for you.


Ingredients Tips

small paw print icon Always make sure that you have ALL the ingredients before you start cooking.

small paw print icon If cooking fat is kept in the fridge it might be a bit cold and hard. You can warm it and make it softer by putting it in the microwave oven for a few seconds. Ask an adult to do it for you.

small paw print icon Food in open tins can quickly go off if you don't use the whole tin. Citrus fruits like grapefruits and oranges can even start to dissolve the tin! Transfer left overs into plastic containers and keep them in the fridge.

small paw print icon When you break eggs, don't break them straight into your mixing bowl, but break them into a different bowl. If you get bits of egg shell in with them it is much easier to remove them *before* the eggs go into the mix with all the other ingredients.


Cooking Tips

small paw print icon Warm up the oven while you are mixing the ingredients. That way it is already at the right temperature when you finish the recipe.

small paw print icon Don't mix up the different temperature scales. Degrees C and degrees F are different. Temperatures with the letter C after them are much hotter than the temperatures with F after them.

small paw print icon When a recipe gives a length of time for cooking something, it is usually a 'best guess'. Some stoves cook quicker than others do, so always keep an eye on your cooking and be ready to remove it from the heat if it looks ready.

small paw print icon If you use a hob with different size rings, use the ring that matches the size of your pan. Using a ring that is bigger than your pan wastes fuel, and using a ring that is too small will make your cooking take longer.

small paw print icon If the stove or oven needs to be on for a long time, use a timer to set yourself a reminder. If you forget about it, you might burn the food or set fire to the kitchen!

small paw print icon Plan ahead, and when the oven is on, why not cook several things together? It's sensible to cook everything you need while the oven is hot, rather than heat it up several times.

small paw print icon If you make the stove or oven dirty, clean it after it has cooled down. Don't be lazy and leave it until next time. It will be much harder to clean when food is left stuck to it!



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Last Modified on: February 19, 2010 © Kids Cookbook

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