Mallory Rat
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Mallory Rat


Cooking Glossary

A list of words and phrases used in recipes, and what they really mean

Word or Phrase Knead
What it means When making a dough the ingredients have to be mixed very well, but they tend to be tough and sticky. You can't beat them with a spoon or use a whisk so you use your hands. Grap the dough, fold it in half and press down on it firmly. Pull it dough to stretch it, fold it in half again, and push down hard. Keep doing that until the dough looks smooth and will act like a ball of elastic- if you pull it and let go it will shrink back to it's original shape. Kneading is very hard work because you do a lot of pulling and pushing for quite a long time (15 minutes or so). Some food mixers have an attachment called a dough hook - you can use that to knead your dough!

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