Mallory Rat
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Mallory Rat

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Rules for a Safe Kitchen and Safe Cooking

Kitchens can be very safe places if you take care and follow the rules. If you don't take care you can get cut,slip over or burn yourself. Mallory suggests that you follow his safe kitchen rules so that you can enjoy cooking and stay safe.


General Rules

small paw print icon Clear the kitchen floor before you begin cooking so that you won’t trip over things.

small paw print icon Make sure that you know where to turn off the electricity, gas and water supplies in an emergency.

small paw print icon Wear sensible clothing. Use an apron if you have one, and don't wear loose or baggy clothing that could touch the stove and catch fire, or dangle in the food.

small paw print icon Wash or put away equipment as soon as you are finished with it. Don't let the mess build up and cover all your work surfaces.

small paw print icon If you have little brothers or sisters make sure they cannot reach anything hot or sharp.

small paw print icon Ask an adult before you start cooking, and get one to help you use the oven and other hot / dangerous equipment.


Cooker, Oven and Hot Things Rules

small paw print icon Never leave a stove or grill that is switched on. If you have to go away, switch it off or get a sensible person to wait in the kitchen until you get back.

small paw print icon Don't lean over a stove when it is hot. You could slip and burn yourself.

small paw print icon Make sure that saucepan handles don't point over the edges of the hob or over hot surfaces where they could be knocked off or become very hot. Keep pot handles turned inward, out of the way and where they can't be pulled by little brothers or sisters.

small paw print icon Before you lift or move something hot, make sure that you have somewhere to put it down again. Have a clear, heat resistant surface ready to use BEFORE you move anything that is hot.

small paw print icon Keep things that can burn, melt or catch fire away from hot surfaces and stoves. Don't put towels, cardboard boxes, paper bags or plastic containers on top of a stove.


Kitchen Utensils Rules
(things you use in the kitchen)

small paw print icon Get things out when you need them and put things away again when you have finished with them.

small paw print icon Don't leave glass jars, knives or mixing bowls near the edges of surfaces where they could be knocked off.

small paw print icon Keep knives and other sharp utensils in a drawer or cupboard until you need them.

small paw print icon Use sharp knives that cut easily, and don't use blunt knives. Blunt knives have to be pushed harder and that is when they can slip and cut you.

small paw print icon Don't put dirty knives into the washing up with everything else. Keep them separate and wash them separately. A sharp knife hidden under other washing up can give you a nasty cut.

small paw print icon Never put you fingers or hands into an electric mixer bowl, blender, meat slicer or other electric utensil. If they jam or get stuck, switch off the power and get an adult to help you.

small paw print icon Check with an adult before you put anything into a Microwave oven. They are very good for cooking things, but as Mallory knows, if anything metal goes into one the whole oven can explode. Not nice!



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Last Modified on: February 19, 2010 © Kids Cookbook

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