Mallory Rat
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Mallory Rat


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Rat Paws This recipe is called Gingerbread Rat Paws
It's a Biscuit or Cookie
Making this is Easy
Read Mallory's Blog
You will need 4oz Butter
4oz Brown sugar
8oz Golden syrup
8oz plain Flour
1 level teaspoon Baking powder
1 level teaspoon mixed spice
2 level teaspoon ground Ginger
2 Eggs
4 fluid oz Milk
What to do Put butter, sugar, and syrup in pan

Heat gently until butter melts

Place dry ingredients in bowl

Pour melted butter mixture into bowl, beating thoroughly

Warm milk in pan to dissolve syrup

Add milk to bowl, beating thoroughly

Stir in beaten eggs

Pour mixture into 8 inch lined square cake tin

Cook at 170 C (325 F) for one hour

Cool in tin for 15 minutes, then remove

Leave at least 1 day before cutting.

Makes 10 servings.
This is traditional food in United Kingdom

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