Mallory Rat
Kids Cookbook logo
Mallory Rat


Copyrat Copyright
Policy last updated on: December 31, 2008
General Information

We have created this copyright statement to make visitors aware of the copyright status of material contained within the Kids Cookbook, and to define the circumstances under which material may, and may not, be reproduced.



Many recipes are generic. That means that all recipes for the same type of food will give you the same ingredients and the same instructions. For example, a recipe for traditional shortbread will always include sugar and will never include cabbage!

Although Mallory's recipes have been written just for Kids Cookbook, some of them may be identical, or very similar, to others you can find on the Internet or in books. It is assumed that these standard recipes are in the public domain and can be freely used by everyone.




All the photographs and images on the Kids Cookbook are copyright to the Kids Cookbook and David Robinson unless they have a caption next to them giving the name of a different copyright holder.

You may copy and download the images for private personal use, and for the review / advertising of the Kids Cookbook only. Any other use of the images requires written permission from the copyright holders.


The Site

This site, as a concept and entity is subject to copyright and to copy / steal it is both unlawful and morally wrong.


Contact the Web Site

If you have any questions about this copyright statement, the use of material from this site, or your dealings with us, please contact us




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Last Modified on: December 31, 2008 © Kids Cookbook

Labelled with ICRA